Friday, March 2, 2012


So tomorrow is my 30th birthday.

How in the world am I turning 30? I have had a sense of dread/anticipation all of February knowing that it was coming up and quick. I am not ready to drop the 2 off my age and switch it up with a 3. 3 is my lucky number but at the moment 3 is my least favorite digit. Go away I say... please.

Getting older is obviously a blessing and inevitable. It still doesn't mean it isn't a shock to my system. I am definitely not 100% where I thought I would be at 30. I anticipated I would own a home by now, have 2.5 kids, be married and having a successful career.

I do have the marriage part down, I have fur babies if you count my animals but that is it. Mitch and I are working on saving for a home and the baby part. I am also in a job that I am staying in only so I can get my masters in elementary education and start teaching soon (eventually). It is amazing I am not where I always thought I would be but I also don't regret it. I have had an awesome life with great friends and family and most of my memories are worth not being where I thought I would be. I gained experience and self worth in my 20s with every one of my failures or successes and honestly, I have a good life, with or without a house and kids.

That being said, it looks like my 30s will be my decade, getting me exactly everything I have wanted out of my life. So maybe I shouldn't be so hesitant to welcome tomorrow with open arms.

I mean there is an awesome party involved too, I would be an idiot not to.

Goodbye 20s, you were the best but I plan on making my 30s better!

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